Chinese translation for "bent frame"
- 木船蒸曲肋骨
排架 弯肋骨
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- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The bent frame system and portal frame system are often used for industrial mill buildings 摘要在工业厂房中,常用的结构体系有排架体系和刚架体系。 | | 2. | In chapter 5 , how to choose parameter used in controlling frame processing with visual inspection technology and how to solve spring - back of frame are proposed in detail . on this basis , the whole process of cool bending frame is discussed in the paper 第5章介绍了以视觉检测为控制方法进行肋骨冷弯时加工控制参数的选取、回弹的处理方法以及加工量的求解,并以此为基础讨论了冷弯过程。 | | 3. | Through the investigation research on practical damaged element , considering the effect of corrosion , high temperature , wet environment , damage ( crack ) on structural durability , bearing capacity . this paper established the reliability analysis method of large - scale industrial factory , and applied the fuzzy mathematics to establish the factor set and weight coefficient set on the basis of expert experience . an analyzed method for fuzzy evaluation of structural element and bent frame structure system reliability is put forward 通过对实际结构破损构件的调查,考虑腐蚀,高温,环境潮湿,破损(裂缝)等因素对结构耐久性、承载力的影响,论文建立了大型工业厂房可靠度的计算方法,利用专家经验和模糊数学方法建立了模糊评价的因素集和权重集,对钢筋砼结构构件和厂房排架结构体系进行了模糊评价。 | | 4. | While many theories concerning damage forecasting were put foreword , a different model of damage forecasting based on fuzzy probability will be presented in this paper . and it is reasonable to describe a variable like weight coefficient with fuzzy theory . in the end , the validity of the model is demonstrated well in the applications of one - storied brick bent frame column factories , one - storied reinforced concrete column factories , multistory masonry buildings 国内外不少专家学者或研究单位先后提出了各种震害预测方法,本文在此基础上,利用模糊理论,提出了模糊概率的震害预测模型,其模型能够把两类不确定性(一类是随机上的,另一类是模糊上的)有机结合起来,而且对于权重这样一个充满着模糊性的变量,用模糊语言来处理是非常合理的;并应用于对单层砖排架柱厂房、单层钢筋混凝土柱厂房以及多层砖房的震害预测,实践证明此方法是比较精确的。 | | 5. | It is a top load bridge with a clear span of 288m , which is maximum one of the same structural system in asia . the main arch rib uses 8 steel tube of 920mm joined by web members and transverse truss to form a space truss . the soldier piles on the arch are made of bent frame to make the shape both artistic and novel 梅溪河大桥为一净跨达288米的上承式钢管混凝土拱桥,是目前亚洲同类桥型中跨度最大的桥梁,其主拱肋采用8根920mm的钢管,通过腹杆及平联形成钢管混凝土空间桁架,拱上立柱亦采用钢管混凝土排架,造型新颖美观。 | | 6. | Therefore , the light steel portal frame system is compared comprehensively to the bent frame system of solid - web steel column and solid - web steel plate beam , the bent frame system of solid - web steel column and open - web steel pipe truss , as well as the system of rc column and open - web steel pipe truss 因此对中小型单层厂房中实腹式钢柱加实腹式钢板梁排架体系,实腹式钢柱加空腹钢管桁架排架体系以及钢筋混凝土柱加空腹钢管桁架排架体系与轻钢门式刚架进行了综合比较。 |
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